This divorce means money. Money means independence. That’s what I’m after./ One husband at a time./Struggle and challenge and ultimate destruction of your opponents,that’s life./ You’re looking for trouble. It’s a midlife crisis, get a new car.-I have 2 new cars, torn the house down twice, rebuilt the cabin in Vail, I’ve got a man who waxes my jet.
#法国电影大师展#@大光明(小黑暗)重看无数琐细汇聚成的万般纠缠的故事八卦到想边看边发弹幕算不算是大型文艺男的传神“典范”叙事豆瓣上都见过不止一次类似的“故事”PUA老婆、PUA情人连情人的老妈都被PUA各种嘴上不饶人说服老婆要搬出德莱叶、表现自己童年创伤搬出希区柯克都快笑疯了;游泳戏仿佛是女人的隐喻:她都快溺水了她仍然在强颜欢笑着与其说是情人的离开让他反而“爱”她了不如说只是一个自我感觉良好的人眼里容不下“背叛”当她终于想要摆脱束缚找了新男友免不了回答的各种“不如我”的问题全场都喷了;片名比片子更美想起了宅总曾说的:I’ll grow old with her, just from afar.